Thursday, May 20, 2010

Copper Reaction


We are trying to determine the number of grams of Copper that well be produced in an oxidation reduction reaction with aluminum and copper II sulfate pentahydrate. Also while experimenting we are trying to determine the percent yield, actual yield, theoretical yield, limiting reagent, molar mass, and molar ratio of the substances.We know that when a substance is reacted with a compound and a the substance interchanges with the compound it is called a single displacement reaction which occurs within this lab where we see Aluminum exchanges with copper sulfate to produce copper and aluminum sulfate.


We would expect to find Copper II sulfate pentahydrate to go through a single displacement oxidation reduction reaction where aluminum would exchange with copper and form aluminum sulfate. Therefore, leaving behind copper which will later be filtered out and weighed.


  • medium sized beaker about 250-400 ml
  • ring stand
  • bunsen burner
  • 10 grams of Copper II sulfate pentahydrate
  • glass stiring rod
  • .424 grams Aluminum powder
  • filter paper two sizes
  • erlenmeyer flask
  • funnel
  • striker

We always take safety precautions, in this lab especially with chemical reactions and glass. We wore safety goggles, aprons, and closed toed shoes.


First we obtained a 250-400 ml beaker and added 100ml of water to it. Then we setup up a bunsen burner and ring stand to heat the beaker. Once it began heating we add about 10 grams of copper II sulfate pentahydrate. We then recorded the mass in data table. Then we slowly added the copper crystals to the heating water. With a glass stirring-rod, we stirred the solution until the copper II sulfate was dissolved. While dissolving the copper we multi-tasked and got the aluminum powder. Then we measured about .424 grams of Aluminum and recorded the mass in the data table. We then carefully added the aluminum to the solution stirring continuously with the rod, allowing the reaction to occur. Then we continued for about 15-20 minutes, once dissolved, we removed it from heat. Then we used filter paper to make a filter within the funnel to filter the residue, catching the residue and filtering the solution into an Erlenmeyer flask. Once we filtered, we rinsed out the beaker with water and let the filter paper dry out. Then when dry, we recorded the mass in the data table. Then we discarded of the materials properly.

Results (Data):

From the single displacement reaction between Aluminum and Copper Sulfate, the yield is Aluminum sulfate and copper. The amount of copper filtered out by the filter and Erlenmeyer flask yielded 0.31 grams of Copper. Also an evaporation of 40 ml of water from boiling.

Mass of Copper II sulfate pentahydrate=10g
Mass of Aluminum foil=0.424g
Mass of coffee filter=1.5g
Mass of dry residue/product +
coffee filter=1.81g


We accept our stated hypothesis above in the introduction. We experienced a single displacement reaction with the correct elements reacting and replacing each other to yield grams of copper. We started with 0.424 grams of Aluminum plus 10 grams of CopperII sulfate pentahydrate which yielded 0.31 grams of Copper and Aluminum Sulfate. The Pentahydrate combined with the 100ml of H2O. At the end of boiling and the reaction we ended up with 60ml of H2O through evaporation. The filter weighed 1.5 grams and combined dried solution and filter paper weighed 1.81 grams. We learned that we need to use safety and precise measurements or fatal resulting consequences can happen, for example one group used to much aluminum with copper sulfate and it exploded out of the beaker while heating. Also one groups glass beaker fell off the ring stand onto the ground and shattered into millions of pieces and without safety injuries could have occurred. Precise measurement errors could have occurred or overheating of the solution could produce unreliable results.

1.Al+CuSO4*5H2O--->Cu + AlSO4
4.0.999grams of Cu
7.We cant tell exactly how each element will react each time.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


The five different reactions types are as follows: decomposition, single displacement, double displacement, synthesis, and combustion. Decomposition is when a larger substance is broken down into two smaller substances. Single displacement is a free element displaces another element from a compound to produce a different compound and a different free element. Double displacement is when two compounds exchange ions or elements to form new compounds. Synthesis is a chemical reaction in which atoms or simple molecules combine to form a compound that is more complex. Combustion is a violently, exothermic reaction usually with oxygen to form oxides and energy is released. The purpose of this lab was to become more familiar with the five types of chemical reactions and determine the reaction types of the chemical elements we used.

Lab Safety:
While experimenting with these chemicals we used lab aprons, safety goggles, close-toed shoes, we were sure not to touch the chemicals on our skin, and used the fume hood for our experiment.

NO hypothesis needed

First of all, we need to obtain 3 individual test tubes. Contained within the first test tube, is a piece of Zn and about 1/2 ml of CuSO4. Record observations. Within the second test tube insert about 1/2 ml Ba(NO3)2 solution to about 1/2 ml of CuSO4 solution. Record observations. Within the third test tube place a piece of magnesium ribbon. Then, add about 1/2 ml of HCL solution. Record observations. Furthermore, light a bunsen burner(burning propane gas, C3H8) and record observations of the flame. After, experimenting with the first three test tubes rinse them out and add about 2 Ml of H2O2 solution. Then lightly heat it and record observations. In the second test tube add a pinch of MnO2 (catalyst) to the H2O2 solution, then lightly heat it and record observations.


Data Analysis:
Zn+CuSO4 -> Cu+ZnSO4

Ba(NO3)2+CuSO4 -> Ba SO4+Cu(NO3)2

Mg+2HCl -> H2+MgCl2

2C3H8+8O2 -> 6CO2+4H2O

2H2O2 -> 2H2O+O2

This lab helped us recognize different chemical reactions and reaction types, while having a hands on lab and fun procedure. While observing these chemical reactions we noticed that in the first reaction zinc and copper traded places in a single displacement reaction. In the second, we observed barium and copper traded places in a double displacement reaction. In the third, we notice a single displacement reaction with hydrogen and magnesium. IN the fourth, we observe a combustion reaction between carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. In the last reaction we observed a decomposition reaction with hydrogen and oxygen.
We liked to play with fire!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Polarity and Molecular Shape LAB

The most common type of bond between two atoms is the covalent bond. A covalent bond is formed when two atoms share a pair of electrons. If both atoms have the same electronegativity or tendency to attract electrons, the bond is non polar covalent. When atoms have different electronegativities, the electrons are attracted to the atoms with the higher electronegativity. The bond that forms is polar covalent. Molecules made up of covalently bonded atoms may themselves be polar or non polar. If the polar bonds are symmetrical around the central atom, the bonds offset each other and the molecule is non polar. If the polar bonds are not symmetrical, the electrons will be pulled to one end of the molecules and the molecule will be polar. Many physical properties of the matter are the result of the shape and polarity of the molecule. Water, for example, has unusual properties that can only be explained by the shape of its molecular and t he distribution of the charge on the molecules. In this experiment we built models of the molecules and also predicted their polarity based on their initial shape.
C3H8 Si2H6

Experiment: The experiment had us construct models for the molecules, we determined the molecular shapes, and predicted polarity of the molecules. The materials used during the lab was a molecular model kit.

: First- We built a models for each of the the molecules listed on our worksheets that included the following: CH4, BF3, C3H8, H2O, Si2H6, HF, CH3NH2, H2O2, N2, SeF4, C2H4, SiH2O, IF3, SF6, CO2, and (SO3)-2. Second- We drew three-dimensional structures of each molecules in a table. Third- We noted the shape of each of the molecule in the third column in the table. We also determined the bond angle, polarity, and resonance for every molecular formula.

No safety

Conclusion:We learned more about the physical appearance and molecular geometry of normally 2 dimensional shapes on paper.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Chromatography Lab

Introduction Part I:
In part one of the lab we tested to see which solvent between H2O, CH3OH, C3H7OH, and C6H14 works best in the separation of the mixture found in black ink.
We are comparing different solvents' polarity and ability to separate a mixture into its pure components.

Introduction Part II:
In part two of our experiment we chose a solvent, in part one, in our case, we picked H2O and tested its ability to separate different colors. We compared a single solvent versus different ink types. In part two of this lab we needed to classify a pure substance from a mixture.

Hypothesis Part I:
We predicted that H2O would be the best solvent, because it is the simplest solution and it has the least quantity of hydrogen of all the elements. Unlike the other elements that have increasing number of hydrogen atoms H2O only has two.

Hypothesis Part II:
We predicted the colors red, orange, and green were mixtures. While the ink color yellow would be a pure substance.

Lab Safety:
Lab safety is always an important topic during an experiment. Since the procedure of our lab used chemicals, we need to be aware of every precaution needed to be taken. We used a fume hood, aprons, and safety goggles during the experimental parts of the chromatography lab.

Part I Experiment:
In the lab we used four solvents including: H2O, CH3OH, C3H7OH, and C6H14.One black overhead pen was used, four strips of filter paper approximately one centimeter by eight centimeters, a pencil, and a well plate. We wore our safety equipment and had the fume hood on while experimenting also.

We started the experiment by picking one black overhead pen. Next we cut four strips of filter paper. Then we made a right angle bend at one end of the strips approximately one inch from the one end of the strip. Next we put a pencil line near the crease and dotted the ink to be tested several times on the pencil line. We also labeled each strip of filter paper with the solvent being used. Then we filled the four wells on the well plate with the different solvents approximately half full. Next we placed our paper strips into the wells so that the short end was in the solvent. Finally we allowed the solvent to travel up the paper to the ink dots and recorded our observations.

Part II Experiment:
In the lab we used the solvent chosen, which was H2O. We also picked four different colors of over head pens. We used four strips of filter paper approximately one centimeter by eight centimeters, a pencil, and a well plate. We wore our safety equipment and had the fume hood on while experimenting also.

We started with filling four different holes in the well plate with the H2O solvent. Then we took four strips of filter paper and folded one end of it one inch from the end. We took a pencil and marked where we needed to put the different colored dots from the overhead pens. We made our dots and then placed the folded edge into the H2O. We took our date as we observed what occurred during a twenty minute period.

Part I Conclusion:
As we said in our above prediction, H2O was the best solvent used to separate the different colors that made up the single color, black. Relying on the data we found out in the experiment was H2O was the best solvent, next was CH3OH, then C3H7OH, and finally C6H14. we found that the black pen was a mixture because of the different colors that were revealed during the procedure. A black overhead pen was not pure. We would say that in real life situations we are thankful that we have the ability to find out what makes up different things in the world and how colors are all different in every way. there are many different colors that make up the world inside and out and combined with one another makes other pigments which we are able to discover and realize.

Part II Conclusion:
As we predicted in our above part two hypothesis, yellow was a pure substance. We learned that another pure substance is red. The green and orange color were mixtures as we predicted above. The solvent we chose for part to was the best choice also. Using H2O helped the procedure come out clean and more efficient. Using any other solvent would of either taken longer or would not of produce reliable results than what we got by using the H2O.